Ephesians 5:15-20
Be careful then, how you live - not ad unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lords will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart o the Lord and always give thanks to God the Father for everything!!
Well, when I saw that this was my study this morning I prayed that God would speak to me in a different way. I have had my fun with wine and alcohol and trust me it's not the lifestyle I seek anymore - so in that sense I have "conquered" this verse.
But have we ever conquered, truly conquered the Bible or The teachings in it? No, I don't think we could or can ever completely conquer them.
As I read my study bible I circled several words... They were wise, making the most of every OPPORTUNITY, being FILLED with the Spirit, and speak to each other in Psalms.
First, the word wise brings several proverbs to mind! I mean seriously the whole book is trying to teach you howto attain wisdom! Go read it!
Proverbs 1:5
Let the wise listen and add to their instruction and the discerning add to their guidance !
One of the many verses David writes about!
Another point that stuck out to me was that we are to be filled with the Spirit and by doing so we are able to speak to one another in psalms and hymns! Wow! That means that not only do we need to memorize scripture and meditate on it but that we are to speak in it! That is very bold and very hard - but it is something I was convicted on this morning!!
Take every opportunity that God blesses you with and commit it back to him. I heard something the other day on K Love and they Said "Jesus never gives you anything that wasn't his first!" so give it back. Live humbly!
So yesterday I tried to make popsicles.... FAIL! I tried out this new contraption I bought for $5 at eggshells in the kitchen, a kitchen store in kavanaugh, don't go - way too over priced! Anyways ... I will show you what I wanted it to look like and then what it actually turned out like! Boy oh Boy - I thought they would be cuter than this' haha I was WRONG!

Stupid popsicle maker!!!

How mine turned out.. NOT GOOD!
So I'm discouraged however I will stick to cupcakes! That's my specialty! In fact, I've been talking about my SCENTSY Party and I think I'm making these for the guests!!

Except in baby mason jars!!
This weekend, Taylor has had a baseball tournament - he coaches a 14-16 yr old team in Brinkley, and the tournament has been in DES Arc. So last night I drove over and they won so this morning at 530 I drove to Brinkley picked Taylor up and came back to the game.
Nobody has met Taylor yet, not like I don't want to bring him around, but we aren't exactly official. So anyways, here are a couple of stalker pictures hahaha!
Don't tell!

He is the far right in this picture.

Him and his kids!!!
Tonight Andrea Hare gets married so I'm sure I will have a picture or two from that!
Until then!
Have a blissful day!