let's see what has happened and try and play catch up! since the last time i blogged...
i have been to Washington DC to the national down syndrome convention (look for a post later). it was so much fun! i went with my sister, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin jessica. it was a blast and i as able to speak and advocate for the families that have children with disabilities. it was an incredible experience to speak with families and disabled children from all over the country.
this is my beautiful sister and mother at EEE parent's day. the women of eee social club has been very special to me over the year. the friends i have made and the bonds that have been created because of this social club at ouachita has changed my life in ways i could have never imagined. it is so special to me that my sister gets to share in this tradition and sisterhood too. (oh and my mother was an EEE too!
i have become obsessed with several things.... italian beads and baylor baseball, my new baby cousin Dean, and my new bike!!!! - they are consuming my life :)

i went to the bike store a couple of weeks ago because the weather has been so pretty lately that i decided i needed a bike! so i ordered a red one with a cute little basket on it! i have loved having it to ride to classes and i would love to let baylor ride in my basket all of the time...but just the other day - baylor jumped out of my car window at a stoplight on campus! out of my car! can you believe that! since that day we do not ride with our window down :( baylor is sad too. 

the cutie on the right is Dean Otis Cooley! I love this little man. isn't he just precious! mom and i made it up to fort smith last weekend to see emilee, my cousin, and her new little baby just 2 weeks old! i loved getting to spend some time with him and guess what i have now... baby fever! ahhh
hope you all are having a great week and ready for the weekend. I will post more tomorrow because i have my birthday to discuss :)
thanks for staying loyal and reading the blog even in my absence!