it has been so long! i can't believe it has been almost a month since the last time i blogged to you. so much has happened, and i know i promised lots of stories, so guess what..

i have them!

first i wanted to tell you about my trip to washington dc to advocate and create awareness for my program
be a buddy. it was amazing. my mom and sister met me in dc as well as my aunt and precious princess jessica. jessica is the reason i am so passionate about my program because without her i would not have the passion and the motivation and love for these children. there was a time where this was not in my comfort zone either and let me tell you, jess has changed my life for the better!!! i met so many cool people. this guy in the first picture is about 30 years old, he lives in his own house (which happens to be in the back yard of his parents), but he pays own bills, pays taxes, medical bills, and even has a job as a janitor at a bank. it inspires me how motivated they are to be the best and work as hard as they can. they don't take excuses, they don't cut corners, and they don't rely on other people.. they do their work and they succeed. what an inspiration they are and can be to so many people. yah, it might not be your comfort zone, but that doesn't mean you don't conquer that comfort zone and spend some time with these people. it means you reach out and you get to know them, you talk to them, you don't have to spend everyday or help them do anything - they just want your friendship. the one thing i have learned about myself lately is that i do not like walking into a room that i don't know the dynamic let alone the people in the room. i like being in control of my surroundings, but does that keep me from walking into the room. no! i walk in, hold my breath, and count to 20 and hope that i can smile at someone and break the barrier. that is what these guys want you to do. let them tell you about their life. reach out and get to know someone! it's not hard. and that is what my platform and my program be a buddy is all about.

the next picture shows just how much a simple conversation can mean to these guys. they absolutely love being talked to and answering questions. they really do just want to be treated normal and i love that, because i can do that. god doesn't call us to treat people differently, he asks us to treat people how you want to be treated. and thats what they want. so take a chance - and get out of your comfort zone.
the conference was amazing. i didn't know exactly what to expect, but the whole point was the talk to these guys and get to know them. advocate for them. and tell your representatives of the different opportunities that your state has for children with disabilities! i was able to meet with one of our representatives from arkansas and it was so neat to talk about something i am so passionate about. but that was not before i missed my flight and had to change my departure flight from austin to dallas at 6 am. oversleeping has become a regular occurrence in my life and i need to stop it. so i am trying to change. i guess blogging at 2 am is not helping the whole don't oversleep thing. but i did sleep all day today! so i think i'm okay for now.
the next story i want to share with you is a story about a new addition to my family. Dean Otis was born on 2/17/2012 at 10:01 in the morning and weight 8 lbs and 12 oz. the best part... my cousin matt was able to come home from the air force base he is stationed at in order to see him born. that makes my heart so happy. my little sister is in love with babies, so i knew that if she got to dean first i would never get to hold him. so what did i do.... i went to see dean first and got to hold him all by myself. I was so happy. he is now about 8 weeks but in these pictures he was only 2 weeks. how precious is this little baby? between working in the nursery, my friends having babies of their own, and dean being born - i am definitely wanting one of my own :) but baylor would not really allow that right now... my kids at work are enough for me right now. but just look at how cute he is!
Laura Leigh was in Grease!Laura Leigh (middle in the funny clothes) was recently in the play Grease at her high school and did so well! She even had 5 seconds of fame in a dance off at the 'prom' in the musical. I drove in from Waco to see her in the play and was literally so proud. I am proud of her that she has gotten involved in differenta ctivities at school. As you know, she is a competitve dancer and dances with the girls on her cheer squad and the girls that she spends most of her time with. But with this play she was able to get to know other girls and guys that are her age and that are at her school. Because of knowing these people through the play, she has gotten involved in playing in a little band! She has such a good time. I am just so proud of how mature a young lady she is! I could not ask for a better little little sister. On another note - check out how beautiful Molly Anne looks. She is really growing up and I can't believe she is so old! We are becoming quite the trio!

March 10-17 was a state proclaimed, by Governor Beebe, Be a Buddy Week! So I went to different schools and promoted Being a Buddy! All of the kids were able to sign a poster promising they would be the best buddy ever! It is now hanging in my room and it makes me smile everytime I see it! I love looking up at all of the little kids signatures and pictures and seeing how much love they are willing to give out! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and just don't think i can make a difference.. but these kids don't care - they are willing to give and love so much! I started reading a book called Kisses from Katie and it's about a girl Katie, who goes overseas to Africa to love on little orphans. She writes about how they don't have anything materialistic but yet they are so full emotionally and spiritually. i have written before how i long to be full of joy and this blog is about being full of bliss and these kids have it. i hope you love these pictures!

a couple of weeks ago i ran my first half marathon. and i hate to tell you my time because it is really bad! i ran the marathon in 2 hours and 46 minutes. i was hoping to run it in 2.5 hours but that didn't really happen. my good friends kellie (blonde) and rachael (brunette) were there at the finish line to watch me and congratulate me! i was so happy. GOD has blessed me with two incredible friends at baylor and they will be my roommates next year. i am so excited! we went to austin and shopped a couple of weeks ago and completely demolished jcrew. i bought literally everything in the store. we had such a fun time together. i am glad i finished this half marathon! i did it! wooo

this is brittney griner, our forward here at baylor that just helped lead the baylor bears to the national championship in denver. this is such an exciting time for baylor. i am so excited that i was able to be apart of this year at baylor! woo. i was supposed to go to the game and instead i was stuck in dallas because of the tornadoes. so i drove 2 hours to dallas only to leave and drive 2 hours back home and barely make it home in time for the game on television! i am so happy for coach mulkey, our point guard odyssey sims and of course our entire team! if you didn't know we won... you do now! go baylor and sic em bears! (oh and of course i have bought every championship shirt in the bookstore :) haha
Over Easter weekend I went to the Miss Sweetheart pageant in Little Rock and got to see all of my pageant friends! As you can see in this picture we really do love being around each other. I cannot wait until this summer. And I can't wait to make more memories like I did 12 months ago. it will be such a fun week and an incredible summer as my sister and i both try and win miss arkansas outstanding teen and miss arkansas 2012. can you imagine sisters winning the crowns? we would have such a great time and it would be such a special experience we would get to share. we are working hard and preparing so that we can give it our best shot!
So I just learned some great insight to life...
It is our job to daily seek after the Lord! In every aspect of life! We should want to tell God what is on our mind. It doesn't have To be vocal because that is what The Holy Spirit is for! He is the go between! Today's blessing comes from Isaiah 41:10
"when something throws you off course respond calmly and confidently... When something grabs your attention talk with God about it! This is how you live in peace and how God works through you!!"
Be Charmed and full of bliss!