Guys - I have had a very long weekend, but it has been fun and well worth it. It started off flying in on Friday night.. I was kind of excited because I had gotten a purse for Baylor to use that way he wasn't in a really hard cage. I think those hard cages are so impersonal and mean ( no offense). Well, I thought that it would be nicer.... Until I saw Baylor's poor face under my seat in the first flight on Friday afternoon! How pitiful is that...
So yes! My dog is a spoiled rotten baby and so I opened (sneakily) his purse the next flights and allowed some breathing room. Of course, nobody can argue or reprimand me for doing this - because in order to do so they have to tell me that the sweet little face on my dog has to go away... which none wants! haha -

On Saturday morning, I got to opportunity to go and model at a real photoshoot with Tony Bowls! An international designer! My hair was crazy high and the dress was amazing! I hope they turn out good - and I am sure they will. It was so neat being there though - I thought I was in New York City ( i even had a hair and makeup artist, who was amazing!!)
On Sunday - we had May Meeting. For non-pageant people, that is where we turn in all of our legal paperwork for being Miss Arkansas. We turn in everything from Photo Releases, to head-shots, to competition regulations. It is so fun to see all of the familiar faces and so great to meet so many new faces! It is a great time to mingle and say hello and catch up.
The pageant world is so different than what most people think it's like. It is filled with friends, laughter, and tons of memories! Don't let anyone tell you we aren't real friends. It might start out superficial, but I can honestly say some of my best friends have been made through this system!
Laura Leigh came to my meeting and I was so happy to have her there with me to help me out! One of the things that we have to do at May meeting is choose our number in competition. It is so nerve- racking... I don't know why? But the thought of wanting a particular spot in the lineup and not having your name called - and then someone else gets the spot you wanted, and then you have 45 seconds to find a new one! It is crazy. I got C 45! Which is exactly what I could have asked for! What that means is I will be competiting on Wednesday night in Swimsuit, Thursday night in Evening Gown, and Friday night in Talent! And then Saturday night is TOP TEN!!!!
GO TO MISSARKANSAS.ORG - for more information. (You can even watch it online)
On Monday we went to the Miss Arkansas Golf Tournament and Children's Hospital.
Here are some of the pictures from the day:
Meet Ros - she is a hoot and by far one of my funniest Miss Arkansas friends!!!
I have a sweet relationship with this sweet friend! Maegan and I argued all day about whether the Women of EEE or the Women of Chi Omega were better...
She figured out very quickly that the Women of EEE, with their exclusivity are much better and way more prestigious :)
These are the blondes in the group!! LOVE THESE GIRLS and we had such a fun time!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the blog! Check out MissCupcakeQueen.Blogspot.com and see my Cupcake Countdown to the CROWN!!!