Now before you say anything - yes I know that I have been away for what is ALMOST two months! BUT I am back! Going from just work last semester, to work, 3 classes, and exercise - I have been quite overwhelmed. This post is merely a catch up on my life thus far! So enjoy!
I had comprehensive exams before Spring Break and just found out last week that I have officially passed. Which means, that after I pass the next 6 hours of coursework that I must complete to graduate... I CAN actually graduate. This is such a relief. Let me explain to you what Comprehensive exams actually are... first, we call them comps for short, which is something that comps aren't (short). Comps are comprehensive exams in 6 classes of your choosing that you have taken in your graduate career. However, two of them must be Statistics AND Research Methods. (so really you have to pick 4). I chose Sports Ethics, Sports Governance, Sport Law, and Issues and Trends in Sport. The tests are graded out of 4 points and you have to make over a 2.7/4 on them! Which I DID!! This is one of my books that I was studying that week - You have an hour to take each exam and you take them all back to back. WOW. I was exhausted after taking that - and you will be proud - it was my frist all-nighter since graduating college. Woof. I am done!

Everyone in the office eats pretty "paleo". It has inspried me to eat healthier. I wish that I could get rid of the Diet Dr. Peppers in my life, and I am doing better with Ice Water, I just can't seem to get rid of that crutch. I have been food prepping on Sundays and preparing my meals for the entire week. This is one of my meals that I eat often, I actually had it for lunch today. These are bison sliders. Bison has a lot less fat and is one of the more healthy red emats that you can have on a paleo diet. The red peppers and mini-portobello mushrooms are cooked in olive oil and seasoned with salt, pepper, and my favorite Garlic Salt!! I add the spinach leaves for "presentation" (even though I am eating off of a paper plate hehe) and it is quite the healthy and filling meal.. You should try it if you haven't already.
I have learned that eating paleo isn't about sticking to a strict diet - it is about prepping your body for a long, full, and healthy life. This way of eating I know will help me achieve an older age, and a better way of living for the future.
**sub text: I have tried to cut all breads and sugars out of my diet. My cheats are 100 calories Cinammon and Sugar Oatmeal and Sugar Free Cool Whip (by the spoonful :))

On my Spring Break I did not do anything exciting or fun... except for begin and COMPLETE three seasons on Downton Abbey - I will have to blog all about Downton some other time. GrandMary asked me to come watch it on the Thursday of Spring Break. We started the first episode at 3 pm and completed the first season by midnight! It was amazing and I was hooked. This first picture of spring break is at my cousin, Alex's baseball game. it was freezing! Of course, Baylor went with me and even wore his hoody! Woo Hoo! It was so much fun to see all of my cousins over the break. I went to lunch with Anna and Ava and took them Easter cookies and took McDonalds to Jessica at her school! Needless to say - we had a blast at lunch time! I love my family and dearly miss them when I am in Waco.
I turned 24 over Spring Break and was able to celebrate at the Purple Cow with my mom and sister. I was so excited to continue this tradition. My favorite color as a little girl (still is) as Purple. Aunt Leigh Anna started a tradition with me when I was 7, I think, to take me to the Purple Cow for a girls night out on my birthday! There have been few birthdays that I have not celebrated with a Purple Cow Milkshake. I was thrilled I was able to continue the tradition and celebrate there this year with family and friends - my honorary Aunt and Uncle Peggy and Jim Jones.

After Purple Cow I went for a double dessert at Cantina Laredo with my girl friends from college. They all live in Little Rock and so it was fun to go out with them. In fact, over Spring Break I really thought I would see more of them, however, this was the only time that I saw them - but it was ag reat one. Ashlee coordinated it and Aaren even brought John Jacob Lively - one of my dear friends from college. We all ordered their mexican brownie and it was delicious - I would have liked it to be a little more "flaming" like it usually was, but we literally ordered it at 8:45 and they closed at 9 :) oops! it was still fun though.

Last week, Baylor hosted the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament: Round One and I was asked to work as a host for Prairie View A&M. It was so much fun! I felt so important and professional. These were my girls and they were literally so appreciative and such hard workers! I can't wait to work in an athletic department one day and be in charge of something like this :) I definitely know I am in the right place.
I played in my first golf tournament a couple of weeks ago. It was a four ball scramble, so my shot was not necessary, but they did use 2 of my shots! And we placed 12 out of 16 teams!!!! Talk about the up and coming Tiger Woods! haha just kidding.

It was good to be home for a long Easter Weekend and Easter was great... until the Sweet Sixteen game. I am sure by now you have all seen pictures, heard stories, and even watched clips of the game. Lousiville women just out hustled and out played our girls. And they shot something like 78% from the 3-point line which is unheard of. In Coach Mulkey's words, "When a team makes 16 3's you are supposed to get blown out! We lost by one point." I could careless if our girls lost, but what I do care about are our girls. These girls are fabulous and have such big hearts and bright personalities. Especially this one: Odyssey. When I saw her collapse to the floor at the buzzer, I collapsed. My mom and sister walked in and all I heard from them was, "Oh, no". I get teary-eyed just remembering it. I collapsed to the floor and started crying, like I had played that game. Like it was my loss. I didn't cry because these girls lost, I cried becuase my heart literally broke for them. The Brittney era at Baylor University is over. Big things are in her future - but really? Did it have to end like this? Odyssey has been saying all week - you can't stop living, things like this happen in life and you have to move forward, and keep playing ball. What a wise girl. She will be such a leader for our team next year as a senior. As I continue to pray for their hearts and their heads, please join me. I know it might be a silly request - but these girls need your support. They need to feel loved and that we are still proud of them, no matter what happened ont he court.
Well that pretty much sums it up - tonight I will be going to see the Olympus and will be heading to my frist Acrobatics and Tumbling meet tomorrow at 6. I am sure I will have some fun posts about that!
Enjoy your weekend!