My children at work make me feel so loved. Sometimes I swear they can drive a nail in my foot, but when I need it they always come through for me. Being a girl in a male's world can be difficult at times, and today I have lost my luster. This usually happens when I get overwhelmed or stressed out, especially when I have a lot of my mind and my kids are the first to notice and call me out for it. I was so encouraged by their support. They didn't need to know what was going on or that my day would continue to go down hill - they just wanted to give me a hug and help me feel better.
These words by Bethany Dillon always express so intently my thoughts on days like today:
My heart’s discouraged,
So I come to You expectant.
You say You’re good to those who wait.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won’t run anymore.
I’m waiting on You.
So I come to You expectant.
You say You’re good to those who wait.
Lord, today You know what I need to do,
But You can do more in my waiting than in my doing I could do.
So I won’t run anymore.
I’m waiting on You.
I get so caught up in planning for the future and I don't live each day out. I am so overwhelmed by the next step that I don't get to bask in God's glory and accept that He is in control because I am too busy putting my hands in every pot possible trying to control the next step. Jesus asks us to wait. Even in our discouragement and in our expectations - to wait. Patience is what is cultivated from this four letter word. And when you have proved patient - Jesus will bless you, but that requires your full attention and complete faith.
A couple of weeks ago the Director of Baylor Businesses Department for Professional Selling came and spoke to Student Athlete Services. Her message was simple, "God has a job for you. The right job. Your job is to knock at all of the doors in front of you and He will open the right one." What a neat analogy.
Be encouraged today. I don't know if this is something you struggle with and I promise I will soon begin to write more up beat posts, but right now, I need to talk through some things. I am trying to be vulnerable and open because what good are feelings if you bottle them up?