I feel like I say this all too often. But. I am back. I have actually been putting this off because I know that I have a lot to catch you up on. Less then a week after I posted my last post my grandfather, who had been battling ill health for the past several months went to be with Jesus. I know that he is so happy and he had such a healthy and full life, but I still find myself thinking about him or looking at pictures of him only to remember that this Thanksgiving and this Christmas he won't be with us. That is the hard part. Never again will I be able to hear him tell us stories of growing up in the city I grew up in, or funny stories about my mom as a little girl, but something I am blessed about - I knew my Papa Doc for 24 years and in those 24 years I saw how he fathered his kids, how he loved children, and how he led his family with the Lord in the center. I pray that my husband is a Papa Doc one day. That he has all of the characteristics that my papa had. I love him very much and miss him still.
I remember dropping my mom off and for the next 3 hours until I got to work, I balled like a little baby. I mean balled. I couldn't even put my make up on because tears were streaming down my face. It was so hard to leave my mom, know that I was moving thousands of miles away, and that I might not see her again for months. WOW. I was so lonely in that moment.
After being here a month - I absolutely love my job! Holy Cow... How have I not been here doing this forever my entire life. It's great. I work 12+ hour days and I can not imagine NOT doing this. Right now I am trying to juggle work, Baylor, and maintaining all of my friendships from Arkansas and Texas. Being intentional in texting, calling, contacting, and loving those friends is important and I need to do better especially since those relationships have helped get me to this point.
Most people have asked me what my job consists of, so I want to try and answer that question with a few pictures.
My day starts around 5 am when I get up and work out (usually running with Baylor can't wait for the CrossFit gym to open down the road from me!). After that I get to work around 8:30 and usually have staff meetings at 9. Every other Wednesday/Thursday we do our Grassroots marketing efforts and go out to Greene Street (the main street that runs through campus). On Greene Street we give out everything from posters to sunglasses to koozies and of course flyers with the upcoming events on them.
At first on Greene Street all we had was a table, but then we decided to add a huge stand behind frame! You can see in the picture this is what he designed. Students flood our table for the 4 hours we are out there - we don't even have a chance to sit down, go to the bathroom, or grab lunch or something to drink.
At our games, the marketing staff does everything. We basically run the games. You could almost refer to us as the directors of the game. We run the video board, on field presentations, national anthem, half-time, contests, and all pa announcements (we write the script).
This is a picture of us at the first football game of the season. We were so happy/pumped/excited/stoked to be working a Gamecock Football game. The scripts, on-field presentations, etc.. were just so much fun and so high-energy!
We had such a fun time, and we are all so great together and really work as a team and help each other out as it comes along because we are all learning the ropes together. The picture to the top left is a picture from the field of our first game. It was College Gameday and Lou Holtz was there... like right in front of us! It was incredible.
We had an off week the weekend after our UNC game, so Heather and I went over to Athens on the staff bus, yes! that's right the staff bus. We just walked up to these people's tent and started tailgating when we got there. It was a blast! Even though we didn't win it was a great memory and a wonderful bonding opportunity for my new friend Heather and I.