I missed last week's Blog About concerning favorite memory at Ouachita so I'll catch up on that soon! But today's question is Who is your favorite Professor or Faculty Member?
So here it is:
Favorite Professor:

Rebecca is an inspiration because in the past 2 years she has gone from just working in the Development Office to Head over the entire Speech Communications Department. She is a testament to what hardwork, perserverance, and a sweet attitude will get you. Her heart for the Lord and her genuine care for others puts her at the top of my Favorite Professors List.
It is hard to say that there is just one favorite professor - so among Rebecca in my top ranked professors are:
Dean McKinney - he is always there with his door open and an open ear. He has great ideas and his passion for success in Business is contagious!
Dr. Brune - if you know anything about me you know that I competed in the Business Plan Competition my senior year of College. It is because of this man. Dr. Brune pushed me through tears, frustration, and mental blocks to create one of the top business plans in the state. He is passionate about finance and a great professor.
Dr. Rice - He was my advisor and was always open to listening to everything from sports, to boys, to I hate my classes and I am going to fail out of college. Always with a positive word - Dr. Rice is among the best and Ouachita is lucky to still have him on staff after his term as Dean ended. His stories in class are hilarious - and he knows when to tell them by the looks on our faces (stats can be quite boring sometimes)
Dr. Hal Bass - Everyone can attest that Dr Bass is a great professor. His knowledge about current events, law, and politics in incredible. He always addresses you by name and always asks about your day. His Contemp World class was in the top 5 classes I took at Ouachita.
There are so many people at Ouachita that have made an impact in my life. But these are some of the top favorites... They definitely have one of the top staffed universities in the state and country!!
Be Charmed!
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