As you know I am a huge Cardinals fan. So of course I went t o the World Series game on Thursday and Friday. I actually saw the best game ever played by an major league baseball team, Game 6. It was intense. It was emotional. But most of all it was so much fun!

I went to a Cardinals game back in July - when they played the Cubs - yes I blogged about it. Check that out
here. Don't judge I was in a relationship then, however, I am not bitter against that but honestly know that Taylor was in my life for a reason and I am better because of it - I also know that those were great memories.
Back to the game! I left after my test on Thursday morning and headed to Dallas Love Field and flew to St. Louis where Mr. Doug, dad's friend, was waiting to pick me up. We drove to his office where his son, Thor, Thor's wife Katie, and Thor's sister Lia were all waiting gear on to go to the game!!! woo!!
I didn't quite know how this was going to work out - you know me not knowing them and everything - but it was soo much fun! They were hilarious and very into the Cardinals and the game.
In the top of the 7th when the Cardinals gave up not one home run, but 2 - Lia, Katie, and I were standing in line for the bathroom and were seriously contemplating leaving the game. That is when Thor came up and said we are at the WORLD SERIES - we are NOT leaving!
So we stayed. And boy - are we glad we did. All night I had been yelling FREEESSSSEEEYYYY BBBBAAAABBBYYYY and everyone around me was like you are crazy! Freese has struck out twice and grounded out once and you are still yelling for him. The game is over - there is a full count and one pitch left. BUT I STILL BELIEVED - as did every other Cardinals fan I'm guessing...
And what happened next was epic.
Freese hit the wall.
Not only did he hit the wall...
Cruz didn't catch the ball.
We tied and went into extra innings...
Thats right - I was there. It was epic! It was so fun!!! And I was so proud of the little red birds! I almost started crying!
The paper from Friday Morning!! WOOOOOO - Go FREESSEEEEYYY BBAAABBYYYY
So of course - I stayed in St. Louis on Friday for the game and went with Mr. Doug, his son Clayton, and his nephew, Andrew. It was so much fun and I had a freaking blast! Freese of course won MVP and I will post more pictures later of this epic game and my experience, but I haven't uploaded my pictures yet. So just be patient with me!!
We won the game!! We won the WORLD SERIES AND I WAS THERE!!!!
Favorite quote of the game came from my boss
Bart: "Hey, isn't your dad a defense attorney? Maybe he can call La Russa and help the Cards out"(top of the 6th when we let 2 HR get past us)
Me: "Hey! Dad got ahold of La Russa in the 8th! Thanks for the advice!"
(after we won Game 6)
My boys! They won - they did it big! And I am so proud. Shoot. I don't even know these guys - but I am still soo proud!!
And of course along with every other girl in the united states that understands or appreciates baseball - they are in love with David Freese. However, I was in love first. I ONLY say that because I got a special made world series 2011 jersey with Freese's name on the back of it on Thursday afternoon - BEFORE he hit that epic 2 home run to win Game 6.
be blessed. I sure know I am. And I know these guys are too!!
I know this whole blog post was about Baseball... but what is better than Baseball?
God's Infinite Worth!
His unfailing love and his continuing faithfulness to us and our journey!
So what has been going on in my life lately?
Let me tell you:

I started going to church at
Harris Creek Baptist Church a couple of month's back and I am so thrilled about getting involved there! I started emailing back and forth with Pastor Brady and told him look... I am ready to get involved. I would love to be on the worship team - but everybody loves that.
Everybody loves singing in front of people... so I told him let me help out behind the scenes. I just want to serve.
So he put me to work!! I am starting in the baby room, which might be a bad decision ( I might get baby fever) (no worries... I am still
super single!! haha) I am just kidding I can't wait. On Sunday morning I will be working from 8:45 - 10:30 with the babies and I could not be happier! I am also meeting with Galan, one of their minister's about starting a college aged
life group for some overflow girls get this: AT MY HOUSE!! I can not wait to see what God has in store for my life in the next several months.
I say that God's power is so mighty, but so many times I get discouraged and down because things aren't working out NOW! well guess what, 4 months into the semester - I still haven't found that close group of friends - but I did go to a friend's house on Monday night and had a blast! I also am getting super involved in church - and know that it is just a matter of time before God places some unique people in my life.
God is amazing! So I leave you with the Rush of Fools song: When our Hearts Sing!
You are infinite worth
When we've not the words
Our hearts will sing
We are here on the earth
And somehow we 're heard
When our hearts sing to You
You are more than what we can sing
You are God and nothing we bring
Is fit for a King
So, search us and know deep in our souls
We praise You
These words are so true! And they should be evident in our lives everyday! I get so happy just thinking about how great God is! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
It's a Charmed Bliss Kind of day!