I haven't been busy lately... I really haven't been doing anything productive at all and I obviously haven't been on my blog in a week or so. But I have been working on intentional relationships in my life here in Waco. Which I know that if you have been following my blog, you know that intentional relationships are much needed in my life right now. Well I just got back from lunch with my GA office mate Ashley - and boy oh boy do we have so much in common!! It was really fun and we have decided to start hanging out more often and are going to hang out Friday and Sunday this weekend :) That makes my heart happy because I know that because of my faithfulness to trust God during this season in my life He is in turn being faithful with me.
The Lord is a GREAT GOD!
In church on Sunday, we sang a song written by Sara Groves, these are some of the lyrics:
Lord I have a heavy burden *its* all I've seen and know
But your word is like a fire
and I cannot let it go
And when I'm weary and overwrought
with so many battles left unfought
I see Paul and Silas in the prison yard
I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
But your word is like a fire
and I cannot let it go
And when I'm weary and overwrought
with so many battles left unfought
I see Paul and Silas in the prison yard
I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
I could be finished with blog right now... and it would be worth it! I could not have said it better. When I am weary and overwrought and I think that my life is sooo hard.... Just think of all of the people that have had harder times that you - think of Paul and Silas and how they were praising God from jail! WOW. Is that how I act? Is that how I am on a constant basis - do I praise God when times get hard?
Be charmed today!
Having guests at your house for Thanksgiving? How about these cute pumpkin candles for place holders?
And what about Christmas decorations for your house?!?! I LOVE THIS ONE! oh holy night with big funky stars! so cute and I love the garland. I just wish I had a fireplace at my house to decorate like this!

My little girl (appropriately named Turner) will be wearing this at some point during her like. How cute is this little snowman! haha
This idea to the right is from Joy's Hope. I am thinking about doing something similar for my coworkers for Thanksgiving!
We will see what happens - but I just think this is sooo cute!!!
So Ashley and I are having a crafty weekend and these are some of the things I am going to make:
Cute makeup bag, different types of canvases for my house!, and these very cute different types of bracelets and some cute headbands!!! WOOO! I am zoo excited!

i got this wreath for my front door for homecoming last weekend! Isn't it cute! I hoping that I can make a christmas one similar to it! :)

I am going to the DAVE BARNES concert on Friday night: So I will leave you with a music video :)
Have a great day!
I just nominated you for the Leibster Award over at http://thegatheringroomchic.blogspot.com/. Check it out and congratulations!