Switching gears: The reason I am moving to Columbia and not staying at the beloved Baylor. Back in June my boss had let me know that there would not be a job for me upon my graduation. I took that as a sign to find a job - wouldn't we all? I decided that it would be in my best interest to go to the NACMA (National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators) Conference. So I made travel arrangements for Molly Anne and I. We went down to Orlando and stayed for 6 days and it was absolutely amazing. I learned so much from sitting through so many different lectures that week, so eye-opening.
The best part about the conference is that everyone communicated via Twitter. So I created a professional twitter before I went @ATurnerSports, along with business cards, a Linked In profile etc... and when I got there I started tweeting to every major school that I could think of and adding EVERYONE. Every sit down I got with the schools ( I had maybe 15) I would ask them for a job. A lot of no's, a lot of polite (let me look and get back with you) no's, and 2 let's talk next week. Iowa State and South Carolina.
The best part of this story is that back in April I worked the National Collegiate Equestrian Championships and met the Media Relations guy at South Carolina. I kept in touch with this guy and he ended up getting me in touch with the girl at South Carolina who ended up helping me get this job. I mean WOW! Can you believe it. How many people did God use to put me where I am now.
I am going to South Carolina as a Marketing Assistant in the athletic department and will basically be helping create the 'event'. The event is everything from script writing to sponsorship fulfillment, and basic game-day promotions; but the end goal - selling tickets and being sold out.
I guess I can say this without being vulgar? I am officially a Cock - Gamecock that is! But to be honesty, it is really hard for me to get used to that being on everything from shirts to hats to billboards. Guess it will come with the territory. But I am really excited, excited to start a new chapter in my life, a new adventure, and in a NEW place!!