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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Can You Do It Too?

I came across a pin the other day on Pinterest.  (if you are not apart of this viral online database of pictures then I urge you... DO IT!) The pin reminded me of something that I think we lose track of sometimes - we are women made in the image of God and by that we are to follow and seek him earnestly every day.  

Is this how I live?  I try.  Honestly.  I mean I read the best self help books, I watch tons of online sermons, and I have that daily bible study that makes me daily evaluate myself and my walk with God.  

I am saying all of this to say - I am no where near where I need to be with God.  You can walk the steps, do the right things - but I don't think I am really I mean REALLY hidden in God.  

Do men really have to seek God to find me - or I am so crazed by the Hollywood depiction of love, marriage, relationships, and kids that I will settle for anyone?  That is a question that stirs in my heart every time I see this picture or see the words on twitter.  It seems to be a popular pick-me-up phrase that all of the Quote twitters seem to use... DAILY.  

It is the advent season - which means that we are preparing ourselves for something big to happen... 


So how can we prepare for this?  We get so "wrapped" up in the season and the presents (I know you know where I am going with this) - that we forget that Mary is pregnant... she is two weeks from being due... she is about to have a baby that will grow up to save the world - And how are we preparing?  We are buying gifts, throwing parties, and completely forgetting about this baby that is probably kicking Mary in the side and keeping her up at night on her road to Bethlehem.  

Can you imagine what it would be like if instead of all of this Holiday Season stuff we decided to focus on Jesus? 

Get ready... the baby is coming.

So this is what I am going to urge you to do.  


I was reading the other day about giving up technology for the week before Christmas to completely focus on this baby.  Really understand what Mary was going through.  

We spend so much time a day watching tv, going through Pinterest, listening to music, shopping online, or just wasting time with meaningless garbage (texting).  

So how do you really get rid of this?  A week - is a little long.  But I urge you to try to do Christmas Eve Eve, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.  I understand that the phone is necessary to communicate especially if you are throwing parties and such on those days. START MAKING EXCUSES NOW.

I am only asking you for 48 hours to turn the phone off.  Unplug the tv - and spend some time with your family, deep conversation, and just worshipping God and just trying to understand the complexity and the magnitude of the birth that is about to happen.  

Tell your friends, post on Facebook and twitter - I will be turning off my technology December 23-25 to focus on the Savior's Birth.  Do it!  See if you can.

I am calling this Christmas Contemplation because if you really think about it - by taking out all of the excess noise and distractions you are focusing and contemplating on christmas.  As Christians - we should already be doing this.  So post this before the 23 and see if you can go 2 days with family without your phone and technology.  

Allow God to work.  Allow him to move during this season of advent and this birth.  

try it.

don't make excuses.



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