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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Jesus is here for a change!!!

I went to church tonight and this was the sermon. I think it is appropriate for Christmas Eve! Enjoy and be inspired!

The journey of the wise men:
What are the changes that Jesus wants to make in your life?
If we don't make changes it kills us!! It kills the joy happiness fulfillment et ..

Jesus changes what I look for:
Matthew 2:9
The star they had seen stopped over the place...
They were not expecting a stable!
You might have those stable moments: when u don't think you are headed where u r supposed to be headed - but Jesus had a different ending then they thought. But when you trust and have faith inGod the ending will be right.

Job said the lord gives and the lord takes away! Blessed bethe name of the Lord. Job knew to look for God. The wise men looked for God. They expected a mansion and found a stable. What r u looking for? Jesus comes to change what u r looking for.

Jesus changes what I give to God.
Matthew 2:11
They gave their best. What did they give? Meaning it was the most expensive gift they could find. If we dont get what we were looking for we hold back. But they gave more!!! Galations 4:4. The fullness of time. In the most perfect time in YOUR LIFE! God sent Jesus for you!!

If you keep doing the same things and dealing with the same problems - if you allow Jesus to change something in your life you will start seeing a different outcome...

Jesus changes our DIRECTION!!

Change is needed to open ourselves up to god to change things in our life!! Matthew 2:12 warned in a dreAm.... ANOTHER ROUTE!

Another direction proved to be life giving it saved Jesus life!! See Jesus is just God with skin. God wanted to understand and relate to you -that's why he came! To be able to relate to God. That's how much god loves you!!

Story of a baby who would save the world forever

What changes do u need to make?? What r u chasing that is still leaving u empty..

You can lose everything chasing NOTHING!!

Don't head your life in the wrong direction!!

Change direction and allow God to change your endings and outcome.
Accept believe commit!! Its so easy to Change your ending !!

This is the best time. Do it now!!
-Mark Evans Rock Creek Church!

If you don't know Jesus pray this prayer: right now. Tonight is the best night to do it!

"I know it's not an accident I'm here tonight. I want you. Forgive me for my mistakes, my sins, and I do believe you are God and you died on a cross for me. Thank you! I want to commitmh life to yu right now. You are the best christmas present ever!! I love you."

Go find a purpose and meaning in your life!! Do it today! Don't wait until jan 1! Change your life today! Fall in love with Jesus!!! Live out HIS ENDING FOR YOUR LIFE.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Here are some onstage and from my Christmas Eve!


- stud cousin Alex

My grandfather papa doc and me at the service!!

Christmas tree at my aunts house! After the service we went to her house for chili!

Me and my daddy!! I love him :)

My little sister Laura Leigh passed out while watching Home Alone 2!!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Girls Night Out!!

On Tuesday I invited the girls that competed in Miss Arkansas 2011 in July over to my house for a Christmas get together.  I didn't know how it would go over because it is Christmas Break, girls are busy working, and it was in the middle of the week.  However, we had a great group of about 8 that came over.  

I had planned to go do something for the Salvation Army, but they wanted to split us up and we wanted to do something together.  So of course - what did I think about doing...

you guessed it - we made CUPCAKES!!!  My mom had the great idea to take the cupcakes to Hospitals around Little Rock, not to the patients, but to the families that were in the waiting room.

We had a blast running up and down the elevators to the different waiting rooms and seeing all of the families that were there.  It was so rewarding!!  We spent the whole day making cupcakes for the party and decorated our house for the party with wrapping paper and christmas food.  I went and picked up chip-fil-a nuggets and mom made these delicious Turkey Sandwiches on Hawaiian Bread!  Let me tell you if you haven't had Hawaiian Bread you are MISSING out!

We had some of Mom's Speccial Spinach Dip and then of course Reindeer Trash!!  Which is pretzels, cheerios, m&m's, and chex all melted together with White Chocolate!  It is soo good.  We nearly ate the whole batch!

At the Hospital I met a little boy named Jack in the lobby.  He had Autism.  As you know - my heart is so full of love and joy for children that have disabilities.  I think I ended up giving him and hs grandmother like 4 cupcakes!  haha.  He was so precious.  I talked to him for what seemed like a brief second, but I think it was more like 5 minutes.  I asked him about Santa, and the big tree in the lobby, and of course the cupcakes!  He was so animated and that one conversation made my whole night worth while.

My mom was the funniest in the bunch.  She went with us to take all of the pictures, but she introduced Kristen to EVERYBODY in the waiting rooms of thr Hospital!  We were in the elevator with some med flight pilots and she just started a conversation and said you are a lucky man, you are in the elevator with Miss Arkansas!  Are we mother and daughter or what!!

We were supposed to go ice skating after the Hospital Visits, but with Kristen we didn't want any broken bones, instead we came back to my house and played Boxers or Briefs for 3 hours!  Now it seems  like a dirty game.  But it's not!  It is a funny game to play with your friends and is very similar to Apples to Apples.  It was so funny to see the girls react to the cards they were being given by everybody.  You see, the person who is it roles the dice and it lands on a color.  Then everybody else looks at their cards and reads the sentence that is the color of the rolled dice.  After you read your cards - you choose the card that best represents the person who rolled the dice.  It was hilarious! It made for some great conversation.

Some great conversation that eventually led to the demise of the game and the start of conversation that lasted until 2 am in the morning!  Needless to say - we had a great time and it was so good to see Kristen and be able to encourage her and give her our support before she leaves for Miss America in 2 weeks!

So tune in to ABC the second weekend in January to see who is crowned as the next Miss America!  In my opinion - Kristen has a great shot!  She was so sweet to come and see us and spend time,during her busy schedule and her preparation for Miss America!

I hope you have a great Christmas!

From the Girls at Miss Arkansas!!

It was a good night!

charmed bliss

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Can You Do It Too?

I came across a pin the other day on Pinterest.  (if you are not apart of this viral online database of pictures then I urge you... DO IT!) The pin reminded me of something that I think we lose track of sometimes - we are women made in the image of God and by that we are to follow and seek him earnestly every day.  

Is this how I live?  I try.  Honestly.  I mean I read the best self help books, I watch tons of online sermons, and I have that daily bible study that makes me daily evaluate myself and my walk with God.  

I am saying all of this to say - I am no where near where I need to be with God.  You can walk the steps, do the right things - but I don't think I am really I mean REALLY hidden in God.  

Do men really have to seek God to find me - or I am so crazed by the Hollywood depiction of love, marriage, relationships, and kids that I will settle for anyone?  That is a question that stirs in my heart every time I see this picture or see the words on twitter.  It seems to be a popular pick-me-up phrase that all of the Quote twitters seem to use... DAILY.  

It is the advent season - which means that we are preparing ourselves for something big to happen... 


So how can we prepare for this?  We get so "wrapped" up in the season and the presents (I know you know where I am going with this) - that we forget that Mary is pregnant... she is two weeks from being due... she is about to have a baby that will grow up to save the world - And how are we preparing?  We are buying gifts, throwing parties, and completely forgetting about this baby that is probably kicking Mary in the side and keeping her up at night on her road to Bethlehem.  

Can you imagine what it would be like if instead of all of this Holiday Season stuff we decided to focus on Jesus? 

Get ready... the baby is coming.

So this is what I am going to urge you to do.  


I was reading the other day about giving up technology for the week before Christmas to completely focus on this baby.  Really understand what Mary was going through.  

We spend so much time a day watching tv, going through Pinterest, listening to music, shopping online, or just wasting time with meaningless garbage (texting).  

So how do you really get rid of this?  A week - is a little long.  But I urge you to try to do Christmas Eve Eve, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.  I understand that the phone is necessary to communicate especially if you are throwing parties and such on those days. START MAKING EXCUSES NOW.

I am only asking you for 48 hours to turn the phone off.  Unplug the tv - and spend some time with your family, deep conversation, and just worshipping God and just trying to understand the complexity and the magnitude of the birth that is about to happen.  

Tell your friends, post on Facebook and twitter - I will be turning off my technology December 23-25 to focus on the Savior's Birth.  Do it!  See if you can.

I am calling this Christmas Contemplation because if you really think about it - by taking out all of the excess noise and distractions you are focusing and contemplating on christmas.  As Christians - we should already be doing this.  So post this before the 23 and see if you can go 2 days with family without your phone and technology.  

Allow God to work.  Allow him to move during this season of advent and this birth.  

try it.

don't make excuses.



Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Playing Catch Up!

I haven't blogged in a while so I wil catch you up on life.  I transferred my church membership to Harris Creek Baptist Church and I love it!  I am getting so involved and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me.

Baylor is a little rascal, as you can see!  He is chewing everything and always making a mess.  I feel like a mother with a toddler - I have to spank and swat and say NO more with each day.  However, I learning to praise him for the good things that I might expect, but it helps him - I just know it.  A funny story that happened over Thanksgiving Break.  I took Baylor over to our neighbors to show them his tricks (sit, high five, lay down and roll over) and he was so distracted at being "cute" that he didn't do anything.  On the walk back over to my hours I told Laura Leigh, "I wish he would have done more of his tricks - but at least he sat down.  That at least shows that he is an athlete."  Oh. my. gosh!  I didn't realize how ridiculous that sounded until after I said it and Laura Leigh repeated me.  Haha.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Baylor loves sleeping in my bed!!!  And some mornings I can't even find him!  He is the cutest thing!  I have been leaving him in my bathroom while i am gone throughout the day because I was coming home to my nike shorts without crotches... so anyways - he was getting into the toilet paper and trash can - but after several days of being spanked.. he learned his lesson (or I hope) but so far... I haven't found any toilet paper.  But today I left him at home with Piper - in my room.  We will see how that works out!

One of my very dear friends got married on Saturday night.  She married a former baseball player and their wedding was so sweet.  Of course, I know I have said this before, I cried the whole time.  The pastor had them write about each other and hand it in before the wedding and he used it during the ceremony.  The things that Ben said about Natalie Stagg were beautiful.  The ceremony started out like this:            "Do you believe in miracles?  Ben sure does.  After passing a note to Natalie 5 years ago that said "If I have a chance at all with you, call me."  is now ending up in a marriage."   I mean seriously!  How much more romantic can you be!  The wedding was so romantic and sweet.  Natalie is a lucky and was a beautiful bride!  

There were tons of fun things at the wedding:  a really fun part was the Arkansas Razorback Themed Photo Booth!!  It was so much fun that all 3 of us girls and my mom got in there and took some pictures.  They took the pictures and put them in a book and we got to write on them for Natalie and Ben!  What a sweet idea!  

 Then over where the grooms cake was they decorated with Ben's Razorback Baseball paraphernalia and baseballs and stuff.  It was so cute!  You know my love of baseball and weddings - so put them together and it is the perfect day and perfect way to decorate a wedding. Just check out these pictures...  


The food in the "baseball tent" was corn dogs, ring pops, sour punch straws, cracker jack boxes, pickles, and gum balls!  I love the way they kept the theme throughout and to every single detail.  Natalie's mom is a reader of mine and she just did a lovely job of imagining and creating all of the ideas for this wedding reception!


This is the groom's cake.... HOW AMAZING IS THIS!  I think it is just a wonderful way to show off the love of baseball and a beautiful wedding. I even love the way that they set the cake up on vases of baseballs and grass.  How unique!!  OH MY GOODNESS!  can you tell?

Over thanksgiving - Baylor made a friend.  My dad absolutely loved baylor and they spent a good deal of time together when I went with my Turner Cousins to see Twilight.  Okay.  Let's talk about Twilight - I heard some mixed reviews.. It was amazing.  I cried through the wedding part - it was just so sweet.. I couldn't resist.

Favorite line of the movie:

"Meet you at the alter." 
"I'll be the one in white."

Yes please and thank you!

Life is so wonderful when you have someone wonderful to share it with!  I am glad I have BAYLOR :)

Be Charmed and spend your day with Bliss!

Abby Turner

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kati's Giveaway!!!

So Kati over at Kati's Get Away is doing her very first giveaway!!

Kati started blogging several years ago and just recently she inspired me to keep a blog.

She blogs about all of her mommy things.  She is always so crafty!  And I love how she always posts about her son, Ryder.  Here are some of my favorite Blog Posts about Ryder:

My Lil Man Countin' :  a video about the cute little guy!!

Ryder is Blessed :  an adorable party Kati put on for Ryder!!!  Of course:  BASEBALL THEME!

Package From Waco:  Oh my goodness I sent Ryder a Birthday gift and haha this video is soo precious!

Anyways:  Kati is giving away a SCENTSY!! WOOO  I love Scentsy's!!! I have like 5 already!  Can't wait to expand though :)

But in honor of Kati getting her wisdom teeth out - I thought I would tell you my funny story.

I got off the anesthesia and I was asking my mom for a letter so I could write the Doctor a thank you note.  And then I walked up and down the hall to find my doctor who had taken my wisdom teeth out and I kept saying

"You are a good doctor!  Thank you" And repeating that over and over again.

The funniest part though:  I started bouncing (bending at the knee) and when my mom asked me why I was walking a few steps and bouncing all of the way out of the office... I simply replied in the most matter of fact way:  "Mom, gosh, I have to make sure my knees work!!!" haha - Little did I know 2 years later I would literally be having surgery to make my knees work properly again (ACL surgery).

Do you have any funny anesthesia or wisdom teeth stories?!

Here are a couple of hilarious videos:  The first one is a little long - but this kid is hilarious!!

and then the infamous:

Let's all encourage Kati this week!!  Hopefully she had a funny experience like these two!

Go leave her a comment at

Or leave a funny story here!

Have a great week!

Charmed Bliss

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I am not simplistic.  That is just not a word that describes me.  Ask any of my friends and roommates over the past 4 years - I like to have "junk" on every inch of my walls 0 I don't like empty wall space.  Last year I even attempted to be simplistic.  I only brought a few things with me... Then, I went to walmart.

Oh goodness.  That's what today's sermon was on.


On Friday I read this blog about Compassion International.  If you don't know what that is - figure it out!  It is an organization that helps children in third world countries survive - with just $35 a month you can sponsor a child and love on them with letters and they are being fed and clothed with your money!

I have never felt comfortable talking about missions.  In fact, I am not usually the volunteer to raise my hand and say I will go to some foreign place on the globe.  But recently I have felt like this:

or this::

My heart has grown for the world outside my own.  I have this growing urge to help those less fortunate than me.

As we enter this Holiday Season I am thinking about the gifts I will buy for my immediate family, my close friends, and the things I will do for my coworkers - Yes.  They are great gestures of how much I care for them... but what happened to the importance of time - or spending quality time with them?

What happened to LOVE around the Holiday season?  We need to unclutter our lives to see what is essential.

This year I encourage you to make christmas cards, make bread, jam, butter, or sweets for those around you instead of buying material goods.

And lastly - get involved in a  mission opportunity.  The one below is what I am going to urge my family and friends to get involved in and it is called Advent Conspiracy.  This video made me cry in church this morning.  Why?  Because there is such a need for a necessity like water in this world - and I am too caught up in the tan knee boots that I want or the cute outfit on Pinterest that I need - or what about that awesome craft idea that I just found on Pinterest  - these things do not matter.  What matters is these children getting water.  Spend time with the ones you love this Holiday Season and use the money that you would have spent on gifts - to give the ultimate gift - water for a thirsty parched child in a third world country.

Advent Conspiracy does not call you to go above and beyond what you would spend this Holiday Season it calls you give the money you would have used - and spend it not on toys or presents, but spend it on a water well for a multitude of people in a third world country.

Are you going to a Christmas party in the coming month and a half?  Instead of Secret Santa, could you get everyone at the party to give that $10-$15 they would have spent on that gift to Advent Conspiracy?  Can you buy a box of cookies instead and all sit around and bake and talk to each other - better yet - could you sing christmas carols around the neighborhood or in a near by nursing home or children's shelter?

Don't "budget' for this - DIVERT the money you would spend.  Get your family together.  Instead of stocking stuffers this year spend that $30 on Advent Conspiracy!  Instead of that tie you were going to buy for your dad - print a .13 cent picture off at Walgreens and write him a note on the back of it - and spend the rest of that $24.87 on Advent Conspiracy.

Together we can start a movement.  Together we can build a well!


Philippians 4:10-13

"I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the little things in life

I haven't been busy lately... I really haven't been doing anything productive at all and I obviously haven't been on my blog in a week or so.  But I have been working on intentional relationships in my life here in Waco.  Which I know that if you have been following my blog, you know that intentional relationships are much needed in my life right now.  Well I just got back from lunch with my GA office mate Ashley - and boy oh boy do we have so much in common!!  It was really fun and we have decided to start hanging out more often and are going to hang out Friday and Sunday this weekend :)  That makes my heart happy because I know that because of my faithfulness to trust God during this season in my life He is in turn being faithful with me.  

The Lord is a GREAT GOD!

In church on Sunday, we sang a song written by Sara Groves, these are some of the lyrics:

Lord I have a heavy burden *its* all I've seen and know
But your word is like a fire
and I cannot let it go

And when I'm weary and overwrought
with so many battles left unfought

I see Paul and Silas in the prison yard
I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them 

I could be finished with blog right now... and it would be worth it!  I could not have said it better.  When I am weary and overwrought and I think that my life is sooo hard.... Just think of all of the people that have had harder times that you - think of Paul and Silas and how they were praising God from jail!  WOW.  Is that how I act?  Is that how I am on a constant basis - do I praise God when times get hard?

Be charmed today!


Having guests at your house for Thanksgiving?  How about these cute pumpkin candles for place holders? 

And what about Christmas decorations for your house?!?!  I LOVE THIS ONE!  oh holy night with big funky stars!  so cute and I love the garland.  I just wish I had a fireplace at my house to decorate like this!

My little girl (appropriately named Turner) will be wearing this at some point during her like.  How cute is this little snowman! haha

This idea to the right is from Joy's Hope.  I am thinking about doing something similar for my coworkers for Thanksgiving!  
We will see what happens - but I just think this is sooo cute!!!


So Ashley and I are having a crafty weekend and these are some of the things I am going to make:

Cute makeup bag, different types of canvases for my house!, and these very cute different types of bracelets and some cute headbands!!! WOOO! I am zoo excited!

i got this wreath for my front door for homecoming last weekend!  Isn't it cute!  I hoping that I can make a christmas one similar to it!  :)

For homecoming last week Chris August came and did an outdoor concert!  It was freezing and I took Baylor.  He was a huge hit and all of the little kids loved playing with him.  But by the end of the night he was tuckered out and snuggled up in my north face and feel asleep!  It was precious!  Baylor has also started sleeping in my laundry basket!  HE LOVES IT.  The other morning I was letting him go to the bathroom and all of the sudden I lost him.  Frantically I searched for him outside - guess what... that little stinker had slipped upstairs and I found him in the laundry basket... I love this little guy!
                 If you have not heard of the neat graphic design from this company - GO TO THE LINK!!!  It is amazing!  I love it so far as you can see I have been doodling all over it and I love making notes on my schedule!  Go over to ERIN CONDREN and look around her store!  I also got some cute address labels!  They are so creative and I love their colors!!!

I am going to the DAVE BARNES concert on Friday night:  So I will leave you with a music video :)

Have a great day!