The journey of the wise men:
What are the changes that Jesus wants to make in your life?
If we don't make changes it kills us!! It kills the joy happiness fulfillment et ..
Jesus changes what I look for:
Matthew 2:9
The star they had seen stopped over the place...
They were not expecting a stable!
You might have those stable moments: when u don't think you are headed where u r supposed to be headed - but Jesus had a different ending then they thought. But when you trust and have faith inGod the ending will be right.
Job said the lord gives and the lord takes away! Blessed bethe name of the Lord. Job knew to look for God. The wise men looked for God. They expected a mansion and found a stable. What r u looking for? Jesus comes to change what u r looking for.
Jesus changes what I give to God.
Matthew 2:11
They gave their best. What did they give? Meaning it was the most expensive gift they could find. If we dont get what we were looking for we hold back. But they gave more!!! Galations 4:4. The fullness of time. In the most perfect time in YOUR LIFE! God sent Jesus for you!!
If you keep doing the same things and dealing with the same problems - if you allow Jesus to change something in your life you will start seeing a different outcome...
Jesus changes our DIRECTION!!
Change is needed to open ourselves up to god to change things in our life!! Matthew 2:12 warned in a dreAm.... ANOTHER ROUTE!
Another direction proved to be life giving it saved Jesus life!! See Jesus is just God with skin. God wanted to understand and relate to you -that's why he came! To be able to relate to God. That's how much god loves you!!
Story of a baby who would save the world forever
What changes do u need to make?? What r u chasing that is still leaving u empty..
You can lose everything chasing NOTHING!!
Don't head your life in the wrong direction!!
Change direction and allow God to change your endings and outcome.
Accept believe commit!! Its so easy to Change your ending !!
This is the best time. Do it now!!
-Mark Evans Rock Creek Church!
If you don't know Jesus pray this prayer: right now. Tonight is the best night to do it!
"I know it's not an accident I'm here tonight. I want you. Forgive me for my mistakes, my sins, and I do believe you are God and you died on a cross for me. Thank you! I want to commitmh life to yu right now. You are the best christmas present ever!! I love you."
Go find a purpose and meaning in your life!! Do it today! Don't wait until jan 1! Change your life today! Fall in love with Jesus!!! Live out HIS ENDING FOR YOUR LIFE.
Merry CHRISTmas!
Here are some onstage and from my Christmas Eve!
- stud cousin Alex
My grandfather papa doc and me at the service!!
Christmas tree at my aunts house! After the service we went to her house for chili!
Me and my daddy!! I love him :)
My little sister Laura Leigh passed out while watching Home Alone 2!!
Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!!
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