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Thursday, October 6, 2011

My life as of 10:15 am

Don't be a chicken today!  This chicken is here to help you remember to be strong in the Lord! He will catch you if you fall! 

"I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (CEV)

Are you serious!?  How can you not smile and be encouraged when you look at this quote!  I mean it just screams I just brightened your day!  It is what helps me get though even the saddest or loneliest of days!  Life is an adventure!  How many times do we think that specific thought?

I know that when I think of Waco - i DO NOT think about life as an adventure, I think of it as an interference- as a hindrance, as something that is keeping me from my family and potentially ruined a relationship.  But guess what... it is an ADVENTURE!!!

 I am learning to grow in Christ and figure out the nature of life and to change my challenges and to make them the best part of life!!! and to give me joy!  I am going to bei n BLISS today because I see the beauty in the Adventure and I am not going to be chicken ANYMORE!!!


i am going to be bold. to face the challenge and see the beauty! 

I am about to get real with you:

Sometimes, well it happens everyday, most of the time around 8 am, but it happens, I get sad.  I get lonely.  And right about the time that I sitting in tears - I decide to pull up my big girl pants and face another day.  God speaks when we are quiet and when we sit and listen.  I can't listen when I am petrified about another day in a strange city without anybody.  I can't listen when my anxiety levels are through the roof.  God calls us to sit queitly and wait patiently and his will will be made known!

On another note!!  I am going to TiGER Tunes Tonight!! Wooo!!  Go women of EEE!! 

Look at what was said last night on Twitter:
: EEE didn't know you could sparkle that much without glitter!
That is what I am tlaking about :0  Can't wait to see my little sis!! :)
And then Friday night the other little (my sister queen) is cheering at the NLR Homecoming game with her cousin twin and my cousin is playing!!  I will be taking my camera - so be sure to come back next week and read all about it!!
 Alex is the one in the front :: and then this is Laura Leigh and our cousin McKenzie - she is a doll and always with us!! I love her so much!!!  And of course the photo on the top is of me and my family!!!  We are just a hoot!  and this picture displays the perfect personalities of each of us!



be full of bliss


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