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Sunday, October 7, 2012

gnomEEEs winnnnnnn!

I am sooo proud of my sweet sister, Molly Anne!   She co-directed this show and I could not be more happy and more impressed with her choreography, her patience, and her perseverance for this show!

The EEE's won Tiger Tunes last night at Ouachita, giving them the WINNING show two years in a row... WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN DONE AT OBU!!

I am incredibly proud of her and will have more pictures up later.

It was a great night and a great time to celebrate.  I am o glad I was there to share it with her!



  1. Are you saying the EEEs had never won two years in a row? or that no one had? The Kappas won three in a row while I was in school. I'm obsessed with tunes details! ha!

    Anyway...their show was great! I know you are super proud of her! :)

  2. haha - naa. I know that the kappas won three years in a row, but I was speaking on EEE terms. I am fairly certain the EEE's have never won two years in a row! And yes, super proud! :)

  3. I'm doing some tiger tunes research for a website, which brought me here snooping for info. You'll be happy to know the EEEs have had a three-peat once before, 1984, 1986 (spring) and 1987 (spring). The 1985 show was moved to Spring '86.
